Monday 4 February 2013

Tattoos of Dogs!

Hello everyone,

So as you may know we do not judge a book by its cover here at big paws Inc. we’d rather read it ;)

I personally enjoy Tattoos and people with them so I figured why not post a few pictures of dog tattoos I found on the net.  Before I go and post them I did want to say a little something.

Tattoos are forever and you should choose them carefully & perhaps wait a little before getting something that may seem great today but may not tomorrow! Also, since I’m giving you my two cents you may want to choose your artist carefully since they do not all have the same skill set and may leave you with a dragon when you asked for a butterfly.

My point exactly, pretty sure this was suppose to be some kind of K9 or possibly a bear.  
This goes back to picking your artist carefully! 

The choice of Tattoo shop should also be taken in consideration since you would most likely be looking for a shop that is clean and will not leave you with a random infection. Be picky, it is FOREVER! (or  at least until you can afford to get laser removal which usually cost double what you paid for your tattoo as a rule of thumb)

Remember Tattoo are not for other to judge. It’s for your eyes only and/or because YOU like it!   

So, let’s get to the ink, hope you enjoy.

Okay I know this little guy is not a Tattoo but it was too god of a sketch not to share with you guys!  

Yes, this is what some call a Fu dog also known as Fu Dog, Foo Dog, Fu Lion, Foo Lion, Lion Dog, Karashishi and Shi-Shi Dog

 Another example of the Fu dog 

 And another one (Fu dog that is) 

 Dia de los Muertos rendition of the dog :) 

 American classic style


Okay can't you blame me, a labradoodle portrait portrait, too good! he he he

See the smallest the image, the less detailed it can be. 
 This one is pretty neat for being that small!


So how was it?

Let me know what your thoughts were on them!

For those whom may want to judge, remember that our tattoos aren't our resume

Stay tuned for our GOT INK contest, coming soon!

Thanks for reading,

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